Art for Arts Sake: Austin Allen James on Tour | MOSS MANOR
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Art for Arts Sake: Austin Allen James on Tour

When our favorite artist comes to town, its guaranteed to be a great night! Austin Allen James, Moss Manor’s resident artist, headed our way to promote his newest book, Siva, as part of the “Art for Arts Sake Tour” at The Bird’s Nest Lafayette. This luxe boutique was transformed into a make shift gallery, stacked with hundreds of original pieces of artwork by Austin. Once we were finished gawking at numerous tranquil abstract paintings we made a few purchases of our own. Natalie and Courtney purchasing their first pieces of art, and Sarah snatched her own copy of Siva, all signed with a quirky message from Austin, of course. Flipping through the pages of  Siva grants you and inside look at the world through the eyes of Austin in addition to it being the perfect coffee table book!